The King County Sheriff’s department just released new documents concerning the diversion of public funds by the Judges of King County Superior Court.
These documents are the tip of the iceberg concerning what these abusers have gotten away with for years. The Judges who are also members of the King County BAR Association (KCBA) have been providing meeting space in Courtroom 942 for years to the BAR free of charge all the while denying access to the public and/or specifically a handful of people they have singled out, myself one of them.
Court staff have referred to me as a “Frequent Flyer” at the King County Courthouse, and Judge Palmer Robinson seems to feel that I would not or do not give a shit about the CASA program or needy children.
The Judges have allowed the KCBA to hold fundraising events in the Presiding Judges Courtroom (e942) which clearly is abusing their position of authority and using the stature of office to further their private cause.
As the case in Snohomish County Superior Court progresses more detail will be learned about how bad the abuse of power is in King County.
FW_ Notification of Attendance at KCBA Family Law Section Meeting Tomorrow 3.6.14 1.32 pm
FW_ Notification of Attendance at KCBA Family Law Section Meeting Tomorrow 3.6.14 3.56 pm
RE_ Notification of Attendance at KCBA Family Law Section Meeting Tomorrow 3.7.14 7.15 am
RE_ Notification of Attendance at KCBA Family Law Section Meeting Tomorrow 3.7.14 8.10 am
These official document also contradict KCBA Family Law Section Chairperson Susan Carroll statements in which she claimed to have no fore knowledge of any person being denied access to the meetings.
Ask any Judge or Lawyer a question and one thing for sure the answer will be anything but the truth.