In 2011 the Superior Court Judges of this State brought a civil action against Fulton, 5-26-11 SCJA Complaint the Thurston County Chief Presiding Judge Carol Murphy assigned the case to herself 5-26-11 TCSC Notice of Assignment, even though she was one of the plaintiff’s (notice on this assignment the parties names have been left off the document), Judicial Cannon 2.11 is crystal clear on this issue, Judge Murphy apparently feeling fairness could not be provided proceeded to assign Thurston County Chief District Court Judge Brett Buckley to the case, she relied upon a CR (Court Rule) to accomplish this likely drawing into question her decision not to have all parties in the action agree in writing to such substitution. No order assigning Judge Buckley appears in the public record of this case. Thurston County Superior Court Administer Marti Maxwell provided this excuse and also acknowledged the actors of TCSC were aware of the violations prior.
9-02-12 TCSC Clerk Betty Gould PRR Response 1 Fulton
9-04-12 TCSC Clerk Betty Gould PRR Response 2 Fulton
8-29-12 TCSC Marti Maxwell Response for Thurston County Commissioners
8-29-12 TCSC Marti Maxwell Response Number 2
8-29-12 TCSC Marti Maxwell Response
8-29-12 TCSC Public Records Response – Thurston County Board of Commissioners
9-04-12 TCSC Clerk Betty Gould PRR Email response
9-14-12 TCSC Clerk PRR SCJA Payments 1009’s
9-14-12 TCSC Marti Maxwell Response for Thurston County
Fulton responded 6-20-11 Fulton Answer after service was perfected 6-03-11 Declaration of Service she clearly appreciated her situation and offed little if any defense. Buckley entered a Judgement 9-16-11 Judgement and Fulton was free to continue her 24 month Federal Prison Sentence.
The only other additional documents which appear on the case file at TCSC-
5-26-11 SCJA Summons 5-26-11 SCJA Filing Fee Reciept 5-26-11 TCSC Case Cover Sheet
The case was short lived by any standard no doubt because Ms. Fulton knew if ALL 279 or so Judges were suing her in their house little defense or protections of her rights could brought.
Some serious questions arise out of this case; Who is the group claiming to be the SCJA? Here are business license searches 2-22-12 DOL SCJA License Search 2-22-12 DOR SCJA Search 2-22-12 SOS SCJA Corporation Search showing no such Association or Business by that name Existed in the State. The Association of Superior Court Judges was in 1933 created by a Legislative act with a specific name “The Association of the Superior Court Judges of the State of Washington” 1933 Legislative Session Chapter 58 SCJA Created. How was a non entity allowed to bring a lawsuit against a common citizen? When it is brought by the Judge hearing the case in the Court which was home to this Judicial actor.
The questions do not stop there, how was it that this non existent group came into possession of such large sums of money? Why did some of the most powerful Judges in the State like Richard McDermott, Laura Inveen, Teri Eitzen, Steve Warning, Deb Fleck not bother to occasionally balance the single checkbook maintained by non existent group? How did they even open a Bank Account? Whose names are on that Bank Account?
Simply put Ms. Fulton made poor and criminal decisions to divert these funds but to hold her accountable by abusing everything the Judicial system stands for in the process is the real crime.