Archive for Judicial Contact Information

Contact Information for All Courts in the State of Washington

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Publishes a Statewide Judicial Directory it is a decent resource to locate that hard to find email address of most Judges in the State of Washington-


2012 AOC Court Directory

2014 AOC Court Directory

Acronyms and Links- Lots of Letters in the Judicial World

It can be confusing keeping track of all the acronyms used by the Judiciary so here is a list, I am sure this will be a ongoing updated post, so check back.


10.99 – RCW Criminal Domestic Violence

26.50 – RCW Title 26.50 Family Law Domestic Violence

191’s – RCW 26.09.191 Restrictions in Permanent Parenting Plans

388-60 – WAC Which applies to the DV Perpetrator Treatment

1983 – Subsection 1983 Title 42 United States Code / Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights

1985 –Subsection 1985 of Title 42 United States Code / Conspiracy to Interfere with Civil Rights


ABA – American BAR Association

ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union

ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act

AG – Washington State Attorney General

AOC – Administrative Office of the Courts

Assessment – A quasi clinical evaluation absent measurable forensic protocols and normally conducted by a Social Worker level Professional

ATJ – Access to Justice Board

BJA – Board of Judicial Administration

BPD – Borderline Personality Disorder

CA – DSHS Children’s Administration

Cannons – Judicial Cannons (Codes of Conduct)

CJC – Commission on Judicial Conduct

COA – Washington State Court of Appeals

CPA – Consumer Protection Act (Yes DOH Licensed Health Care Workers are Subject to the CPA

CPS – DSHS Department of Child Protection Services

CR – Washington State Supreme Court Civil Court Rules

DAWN – Domestic Abuse Women’s Network

DJA – Department of Judicial Administration

DMCJA – District and Municipal Court Judges Association

DOC – Washington Department of Corrections

DOH –  Washington State Department of Health

DOJ – United States Department of Justice

DOL – Washington State Department of License

DOR – Washington State Department of Revenue

DSHS – Washington State Department of Social and Health Services

DSM – DSM IV TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Duluth – Duluth Model of Domestic Violence

DV –  Domestic Violence as defined by RCW 26.50.010

DVPO – Domestic Violence Protection Order 

DVPT – Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment

EDVP – Eastside Domestic Violence Program

ER – Washington State Supreme Court Evidence Rules

Evaluation – A clinical Evaluation with measurable Forensic Protocols normally conducted by a PhD level Professional

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCS – Family Court Services

General Fund – Refers to Washington State Government General Revenue Fund

GJC – Gender and Justice Commission

HHS – US Department of Health and Human Services

HIPAA – Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act of 1996

JIS –  Judicial Information System

KCBA – King County BAR Association

KCBA FLS – KCBA Family Law Section

KCCADV – King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence

KCSC – King County Superior Court

KingCo – King County Washington

Kool-Aid – Term referring to blindly following instructions to your own personal detriment sometimes called “drinking Kool-aid” or “Kool-Aid drinkers” when referring to others.

LCR – Local Court Rules

LMHC – Licensed Mental Health Counselor 

MD – Medical Doctorate Degree / Physician

Meretricious – A Term Created by the Court referring to a Stable and Committed long term relationship, recently has been replaced by the term “Loving and Committed Relationship” in essence “Common Law Marriage”  

MSW – Masters Degree in Social Work

NBCC- National Board of Certified Counselors

NCO – Criminal No Contact Order

NWADVTP – Northwest Association of Domestic Violence Treatment Professionals 

OCLA – Washington Office of Civil Legal Aid

OCVA – Washington Department of Commerce- Office of Crime Victim Advocacy 

OFM – Washington State Office of Financial Management

OJA – Office of Judicial Administration

OVW – US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women

PAS – Parental Alienation Syndrome

PD – Police Department

PDC – Public Disclosure Commission

PDO – Agency Public Disclosure Officer

PDR – Public Disclosure Request

PhD – Doctorate Degree Level

PLB – Washington BAR Practice of Law Board

Power and Control Wheel – Part of the Duluth Model

PRA – Washington State Public Records Act

PRR – Public Records Request Agency Response

RCW – Revised Code of Washington State

RO – Restraining Order non DV related

RPC – Lawyer Rules of Professional Conduct

SCOMIS – Superior Court Management Information System

SLL – Washington State Law Library

SnoCo – Snohomish County Washington

SOS – Washington State Secretary of State

STOP Grant – Federal Domestic Violence Monetary Grant – VAWA Funds 

SW – Social Worker

TCSC – Thurston County Superior Court

Temp Order – Temporary Court Orders put in place at initial filing of legal action. Generally Civil Actions Dissolution, Custody, DVPO, Meretricious

Triangulation – Also Called Parental Alienation Syndrome  

UCCJEA – Uniform Child Custody and Jurisdiction Enforcement Act

VAWA – Violence Against Women Act

WA-AFCC – Washington Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

WAC – Washington Administrative Code

WADOC – Washington Department of Commerce

WADVC – Washington Domestic Violence Commission

WCSAP – Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs

WSCCR – Washington State Center for Court Research

WSIPP – Washington State Institute for Public Policy

WSCADV – Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

WBAR – Washington State BAR Association

WSSC – Washington State Supreme Court

WSP – Washington State Patrol

Welcome to the SCJA

The SCJA is short for Superior Court Judges Association a Washington State licensed business, we are in no way affiliated with or a agency of the State of Washington, we provide fee based and no fee based Judicial accountability consulting, but here all you will find is plenty of free citizen focused resources all designed to enlighten the average person concerning the activities of our Judiciary.

Given the requirement we the people have for information about what our government is doing and how it conducts the business of the people this resource is born. The foundation of our republic is based on the principle that our government is for the people, of the people, and beholden to the people who created it not the other way around.

The last couple decades have brought enormous change to one branch of our government that has gone mostly unnoticed and has largely escaped public scrutiny, the Judiciary. Formation of many sub-groups from the “Board of Judicial Administration” (BJA), the “Administrative Office of the Courts” (AOC), to the re-animation of long since dormant associations (District, Municipal Court Judges), and “The Association of the Superior Court Judges of the State of Washington“.

The most powerful tool available to the average citizen is knowledge, simply put one cannot control abuse of power if that abuse is shielded from inspection, what information posted here should be considered bread crumbs because the Supreme Court in our state has decided, under the color of law, that they are somehow immune and exempt from the single most powerful tool created in the last 50 years by the people- The Washington State Public Records Act (codified as RCW Title 42.56).

RCW 42.56.030 The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments that they have created. This chapter shall be liberally construed and its exemptions narrowly construed to promote this public policy and to assure that the public interest will be fully protected. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this chapter and any other act, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.

Nothing contained on this website nor any comments are intended to be legal advise and should not be confused for such, the legal arena is a complex and often confusing place, will a lawyer help you or become part of the problem for your specific case I can’t answer that question. Knowledge is power and if you have to interact with the legal system learn everything you can, it is cheaper online than in front of a black robe. If you need legal help for your case please seek those professionals, usually a phone number for one can be found on the back of most transit buses.

Many mistakenly believe our Justice system is Adversarial in design and construction between only the litigating  parties, do not fool yourself because everyone in the Courtroom is your adversary and deserves to be treated as such, including all Judicial Officers present.

Protection of your rights is your responsibility, never forget. No Judge or Lawyer should ever be relied on to protect you and your family from abuse or deprivation of rights, question this statement- just ask any father who has been through the Family Law system in our State.

Whether your visit here today is based on being thrown into a unfamiliar and frightening family law courtroom, a legal researcher, a member of the Judiciary, or simply have a passing interest in our Judicial branch of government please accept my warm and sincere welcome and comments are always appreciated.



Chris Hupy, Principal
Superior Court Judges Association